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  • Flame Burns, caused by direct contact with the fire.
  • Radiation Burns, caused by close exposure to fire and/or high heat.
  • Scalds, caused by hot liquids or stream.
  • Chemical Burns, caused by contact with corrosive chemicals, such as battery acid.
  • Electric Burns, caused by contact with live electrical wires.
  • Ultraviolet Burns, caused by over exposure to the sun or to sun lamps.
  • Contact Burns, the result of touching hot objects.

Burns are classified by the amount of damage done to the skin and other body tissue. Every family member should be able to identify the severity of burns and know how to treat them.

  • First-Degree Burns are minor and heal quickly. Symptoms: reddened skin; tender and sore.
  • Second-Degree Burns are serious injuries and require immediate first aid and professional medical treatment. Symptoms: blistered skin; very painful.
  • Third-degree burns are severe injuries and require immediate professional medical treatment. Symptoms: white, brown, or charred tissue, often surrounded by blistered areas; little or no pain at first.

If your clothing catches fire: STOP, DROP, AND ROLL

  • Cool the burn: For first and second degree burns, cool the burn area preferably with cool running water for 10 -15 minutes. This lowers the skin temperature, which stops the burning process, numbs the pain, and prevents or reduces swelling. Third degree burns require immediate medical attention.
  • Remove burned clothing: Lay the victim flat on his/her back. Burned clothing may be stuck to the victims skin. Unless material is on fire or smoldering, do not attempt to remove it. Remove jewelry or tight-fitting clothing from around burned areas before swelling begins and if possible, elevate the injured areas.
  • Cover the burn: After a first or second degree burn has been cooled, apply a clean, dry dressing to the burned area.
  • Don’t apply butter or any other grease (including medicated ointments) on a burn. Grease holds in heat, which could make the injury worse.
  • Don’t break blisters: This could allow germs to enter the wound.
  • Treat for shock: To reduce the risk of shock, keep the victim’s body temperature normal. Cover unburned areas with a dry blanket.

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Beaver Vol. Fire Dept.
147 3rd Street
Beaver, WV 25813
Tel. (304) 252-5824

Fax: 304-252-7922
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